Buhari moves to Saudi Arabia for Lesser Hajj

The President of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari have left for Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage. He left today being Thursday for a religious ceremony called Umrah. Critics from different parts of the country criticized the president for his ‘private visit’ made on the 24th of April after which he came back on the 5th of May. This trip comes with allegations of corruption in appointing cabinets and increasing insecurity inside Nigeria.

A Special Assistant to the President Muhammadu Buhari confirmed the trip on Wednesday. He confirms he accepted the Saudi Arabian ruler King Salman Bin Abdulaziz. King Salman Bin Abdulazis is the Custodian who invites dignitaries to do this religious ceremony. He said personal aides will go with the president for this journey.


What Is Umrah?

Umrah refers to an Islāmic pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia and this is a place called Mecca. This kind of pilgrimage can take place at any period of the year which is different from the major Hajj that has particular dates within the lunar calendar. The meaning of Umrah is visiting a place with dense population.


There are various conditions for those who travel by air for this ceremony. They must religiously honour Ihram once they come into Mecca. Umrah has another name which is ‘Lesser Pilgrimage’. Hajj refers to the main pilgrimage of Muslims which is mandatory for all the Muslims who find it affordable. This very Umrah which President Muhammadu Buhari is traveling for is not mandatory but rather is a recommendation.


What Are Types Of Umrah?

There is a class of Umrah that depends on the time the person intends to do that ceremony and this combines with merit. This means that one may exercise this ceremony within the period of Hajj or otherwise. Umrah is part and parcel of the fuller Hajj and that is why the name is Umrat al-tamattu. However Umrah is the first to take place before Hajj if both of them are in the same period.


What Is The Difference Between Umrah And Hajj?

One can do Umrah within few hours even though Umrah and Hajj share rites that are common. Hajj consumes more time and has much rituals with it.

Hajj is among the 5 major stakes of Islam. It is a ceremony that is mandatory for all Muslims and this is once in life. The condition for this is that the person has the financial ability and physical fitness.

Both of them are Islāmic ceremonies but their major difference is the observance method and its importance. Hajj takes place on particular days but Umrah can take place at a particular time.


A Look At The History Of Umrah

In the beginning, the Saudi Arabian government do not let Muslims practice Umrah and Hajj. However the Muslims want this practice since that is what is obtainable in their Quran. It was on March of 628 AD that a treaty came for this ceremony . According to the history, Muhammed and his followers went to Mecca but the local ethnic groups refused them to enter the city for the pilgrimage. Since Muhammed did not enter the city forcefully, their was a treaty . The very first Umrah was in 629 AD and this was Prophet Muhammed and certain 2000 followers of Muslims.


The first Umrah happened in 3 days. This was when  Mecca became fully Muslim. Muhammed captured Mecca and made Islam the official religion. He did not kill ten people who are Abdullah Hilal, Habbar bin Aswad, Ikrimah ibn Abi-Jahl, Miqyas Subabar Laythi, Huwairath ibn Nuqayd  and Abdullar ibn Sarh. 4 women added to these people to make it ten people who Muhammed spared.



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